Friday, November 5, 2010

here i am

I don't really know what is it I want to write about today. I am here, life is moving along as usual, and that is good. Ever since my mom's aneurysm I have come to like status quo - nothing is too great nothing is too bad. life is a continuous ebb and flow and never again will I complain about things being boring and just plain old normal. Normal is good. At this moment in time every one in my life is happy and healthy. At least for the most part. I am 30, married and have a baby and that's what I want. Things to be normal, boring and healthy.  Do I need adventure and risk? No. Do I need excitement in my life every day? No. Of course everyone like's excitement, but I am utterly happy just moving along every day in my life doing things as I normally do. Working, taking care of my daughter, playing with her, enjoying my husband and dog and spending time with the rest of my family. I enjoy every moment of it because unfortunately we never know how long we will have all of this.


roopa said...

I was just reading through your blog and it really touched me. I was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm a year and a half ago just two weeks before my wedding. Needless to say, it was a lot to handle and so I can really relate to just wanting life to be normal. I hope you and your family and your mom are doing well. Something like this can certainly turn your life upside down and I commend you for writing about. I recently started blogging at and there is something really therapeutic in writing about it. Thanks for sharing your story.

Working Mama said...

Roopa thanks for reading and your post. I checked out your site - keep on writing!! It's therapy and it helps. I am so sorry to hear all you have been through, though you are so lucky they caught this before it was too late. How scary to be 25 and have this happening, but you sound like a very positive, strong woman so keep it up. Keep tapping into your support network around you and stay strong!!